Friday, September 2, 2011

Dinners and friends

Last weekend we went to dinner with Otto's secretary, Regina, and her mother. Regina has been SO helpful and kind with our moving process. And she is very sweet with the boys. She also speaks English, which is nice for me! (In fact, she used to be an English teacher.)

For dessert, Andy and Sam shared the flambeed mango with ice cream.

Otto and I shared the papaya cream, with some type of liqueur drizzled on top. It was very yummy.

Andy snapped a few pictures. This suit of armor greets you when you walk in the front door.

Regina and her mother, Nele.

Mommy and Papi (or Mamai e Papai in the local lingo).

I think Regina took this one while I was in the bathroom with Sam.

Sam took this one of us outside.

The next day we were invited to Regina's sister's house (Flavia) for Sunday dinner. And this is the huge pot of shrimp that Flavia's husband, Helder, made for everyone. It was DELICIOUS!

The kids' table. (Their kids are older!)

...and a parting shot of Andy looking out our patio doors at night.


  1. The pot of shrimp looks amazing! So glad you are getting some local home cooking - looks cold there, everyone had long sleeves or jackets, I guess I just assumed it was warm there all the time

  2. Hi Jessica, the Liquor Brazilians put on top of "Papaya Cream" is called "Cassis", Liquor de Cassis.
    Cassis is French, in Portuguese is called "Groselha Negra" for "Black Currant".
    It is mostly produced in Europe. Russia is the largest producer. In the US it is produced in Vermont, New York and New Hampshire but in small quantities.
    Red Currant, Groselha Vermelha is very popular in Brazil. You can buy the concentrated red currant syrup in the Supermarket in Brazil to make a delicious refreshment for the kids, it's natural and healthy and very popular in Brazil.


  3. Thanks, Ray. My husband tells me this stuff at the time, but I usually forget the details by the time I sit down to write the blog post!
